The earth must have hundreds of thousands of species of flowers and plants. The orchid alone has twenty thousand different species. And yet, tens of thousands have never been discovered. Species that are hidden in the most inhabitable places on the planet. Species so rare that they only occur in very low numbers. Species that only have evolved in the last few hundred years.
Unravelling these mysteries of nature is what the Bush Brothers love doing most, both of whom are through-and-through botanists and fascinated by discovering new plant species. For decades, the Bush Brothers have been exploring jungles and mountain regions, especially in South America. These week-long expeditions always result in new species.
Sometimes it’s a new variety of orchid, unique for its colour, size or scent; on other occasions it’s a green plant. In their greenhouses they grow a wide range of plants, so everyone can experience the hidden beauty of nature. Discovered by the Bush Brothers.
What motivates the Bush Brothers? Why do they do everything in their power to find that one plant others have missed? Because they are touched by beauty. Because they are fascinated by the unknown. And because they are passionate about giving everyone the chance to enjoy that unknown beauty.